Fraction type

class fraction

A fraction type to support the Numeric_Value Unicode property. This is merely a numerator/denominator pair and does not perform any reduction nor provides any arithmetic functionality.

constexpr fraction() noexcept

Creates a new fraction representing 0/1.

constexpr fraction(long numerator, long denominator) noexcept

Creates a new fraction representing numerator/denominator.

  • numerator – the fraction’s numerator
  • denominator – the fraction’s denominator

denominator is not zero

constexpr long numerator() const noexcept
Returns:the numerator of this fraction
constexpr long denominator() const noexcept
Returns:the denominator of this fraction
constexpr double as_double() const noexcept
Returns:the result of dividing the numerator by the denominator of this fraction, as a double.


This feature is only available if the OGONEK_USE_BOOST macro is set.

constexpr fraction(boost::rational<long> r) noexcept

Creates a new fraction from a boost::rational<long>.

constexpr operator boost::rational<long>() const noexcept
Returns:a boost::rational<long> equivalent to this fraction.
constexpr bool operator==(fraction lhs, fraction rhs) noexcept

Compares two fractions for equality.

Returns:true if both fractions have the same numerator and the same denominator; false otherwise.
constexpr bool operator!=(fraction lhs, fraction rhs) noexcept

Compares two fractions for inequality.

Returns:true if both fractions have the different numerators or different denominators; false otherwise.